An official Sea Sprite pennant is now available for ordering from The SailBag Lady in Connecticut. It is a standard spreader triangular pennant 12″x18”.
The cost is $51 plus shipping for a single order. The volume discount kicks in at 12 pennants, at $31.50 each. However these must be purchased in a single order shipped to a single address. That means 12 sailors would need to get together to have one person call in and have the order shipped to them in one package.
The pennant is 2 sided but not mirrored. That means it will read correctly in only one direction. So folks should flip it to read upright to the outside of the hoist, port or starboard.
Here’s the pennant:

To order, call the Sailbag Lady directly at 203-245-8238. Her name is Bettina. Here is a link to her website: