2022 ‘Round The Hog A Blast

Sea Sprite Annual Around Hog Island 2022 Race

Every year, the Sea Sprite Association and the Bristol Yacht Club host the Sea Sprite Race Around Hog Island.  This year’s event was held on Saturday, September 10.

Eight Sea Sprites competed in this year’s event.  Some fickle September winds swirled around the Middle Ground starting area for an hour and a half requiring the Race Committee to use an abbreviated shortened course.  We could have called this year’s race, “The Race Around Poppy Bell!” 

The good news was that we had a light but steady westerly wind which made for some great tacking duels heading up to Poppy and then some strategic downwind sailing angles for the run back to middle ground buoy. 

Sea Sprite sailing wizard Bob Cantani outdueled the fleet and finished first.  (FYI:  Bob has been sailing Sea Sprites since he was a teenager.  That’s more years than you can count on all your fingers and toes!) 

The final finishing order was as follows:

  1. Bramasole – Bob Catani and Adam
  2. Oasis – Bob Rude and Ted Brandley
  3. New Hope – Dom Messerlli and Josh Rodriguez
  4. Lullabelle – David Borton (single handed!)
  5. Freya – Susannah Holloway and her all female crew of three
  6. Primrose – Thorne and Lane Sparkman (Herreshoff)
  7. Jotun – Craig Fonseca and Richard Dulac (Herreshoff)
  8. Artemis – Ruth Suoto and Pat Crawford

Following the racing, skippers and crew met at the BYC for pizza and beers.  As always with racers, strategies were spelled out and tales of woe were shared.  The infamous “Mr. Hog” trophy was awarded to the first-place finisher.

Sea Sprite sailors are now looking forward to next summer and the 2023 Millard Series.  There’s nothing like one-design racing.  Hook up with a Sea Sprite boat and come join the fun.

For more information, contact local fleet commodore, Dom Messerli at Dom.messerli@me.com or Bob Rude:  rrude1@me.com.

2022 ‘Round The Hog S/I’s

2022 Sea Sprite Race Around Hog Island

Sailing Instructions

  1. Rules

This fun race will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, class rules, as well was good and prudent seamanship.  There is no protest committee.  A BYC race committee will start the race, but finishers must take their own finish order.

2.  Schedule of Races

The first warning sound will be at 1:00 PM for one race on Saturday, September 10, 2021.  A fleury of sound signals will be made approximately one minute before the first warning signal.

3.  The Course

The course will be around Hog Island either clockwise or counterclockwise to be determined and announced on Channel 71 by the Race Committee.  In the event of extremely light air, the course may be shortened to a rounding of a single aid to navigation (either Bristol Point RN “2” or Poppasquash Point RB”1” left to port) in consultation with all racers on channel 71.

4.  The Start and Finish

The starting line and the finishing line will be located just south of the mooring area of Bristol Harbor.  The marks for start/finish line will be two inflatable buoys or the Middle Ground permanent buoy and an orange inflatable. The start will be horn signals provided by the Race Committee. The starting sequence will consist of a pre-warning series of 5 short blasts followed in approximately 1 to 2 minutes by one long blast at 5 minutes to start, at 4 minutes to start, at 1 minute to start, and at the start. Boats are responsible for thanking their own finishing time/order.  There may be no RC boat at the finishing line.

5.  All racers will stay tuned to and communicate on Channel 71.  No check in is required.

6.  Areas that Are Obstructions

The areas between the following aids to navigation and the adjacent land are obstructions at all times and must not be crossed.  (If either RN “2” off Bristol Point or RB “1” off Poppasquash Point are used as a rounding mark for a shortened course, the rounding should be close, and the area of obstruction exited soon as possible.  In the event of a shortened course, either of these marks should be left to port).

Castle Island Beacon north of Hog Island

Hog Island shoal light southeast of Hog Island

C “3” east of Hog Island

RN “2” south of Bristol Point

RN “2” south of Hog Island

RB “1” off Poppasquash Point

C “3” Usher’s Cove

7.  Corrections

Any corrections to these SI’s will be emailed to racers by 1700 on the Friday before the event and announced on channel 71 on the day of the race.  Questions and comments may be addressed to Dom Messerli at dom.messerli@me.com

2022 ‘Round The Hog NOR

2022 Sea Sprite Race Around Hog Island

Notice of Race

Saturday, September 10, 2022, 1:00pm

Organizing Authority:  Bristol Yacht Club and the Sea Sprite Association

Rules: This is a fun race governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, and the Sea Sprite Association Class Rules.  There is no protest committee.  The start of the race will be conducted by the RC of the Bristol Yacht Club.  Racers will take their own finishing order.

Two large inflatable buoys will mark the start and finish lines.  The Race Committee also reserves the option to use the Middle Ground Buoy and an orange inflatable as a start/finish line.  

The race will be either clockwise or counterclockwise, depending upon the wind direction. The direction of the race will be announced by the Race Committee on Channel 71 prior to the warning signal the day of the race.  

Eligibility and Entries:  Entrants must be current members of the Sea Sprite Association for 2022.  There will be no entry fee.

There will be a post-race gathering immediately following at the Bristol Yacht Club.  The bar will be available.  Food will be furnished by the Sea Sprite Association.

Classes to race:  Sea Sprite 23 daysailer and weekender models.

The race will begin at 1300.  Race announcements will be announced on Channel 71.  

The fastest Sea Sprite skipper will be awarded the Mr. Hog Trophy to be held for one year.  

If you plan on racing, please send an email to Dom Messerli at dom.messerli@me.com so we will know how many boats will be racing. For further information regarding the race contact:  Dom Messerli at dom.messerli@me.com