SAVE THE DATE!!! Our 2023 Annual Meeting and Gathering will be held at the Bristol Yacht Club on Friday, May 12th, 2023. Only a short 2 months away.
Details to follow in a few weeks.
SAVE THE DATE!!! Our 2023 Annual Meeting and Gathering will be held at the Bristol Yacht Club on Friday, May 12th, 2023. Only a short 2 months away.
Details to follow in a few weeks.
I hope 2023 to date is finding you all well and happy.
And flush with cash!! It is early in the year, and that, of course, means it is time for dues announcement. The BOD decided dues would be again a mere $25 for the year. Here is the link to pay dues through PayPal :
You can use your own PayPal account, Venmo, or credit card. Please, no checks. It really becomes painful when I misplace a check.
The SSA is in great shape. The annual report to the annual meeting will read like last year’s. And the really good news is that our leadership/admin reorganization effort is bearing great fruit. Eric Doelling in California will continue as Classifieds Editor. Greag Raleigh in Wisconsin will continue running the Fleet Log. Dejan Radeka will coordinate the Forum. We have a new Commodore Dom Messerli who will also serve as Fleet Commander for the racing fleet in Bristol with the able assistance of Bob Rude. We have a new Treasurer in Chuck Roscoe. Carter Hall will continue on as Webmaster and will coordinate the transition to a more inclusive and clearly defined organization. The BOD is stable. All is looking very good. One more spot remains to fill, the Secretary, and our admin team will be complete.
Thank you all for your participation. You are a wonderful group of sailors. I wish everyone Fair Winds and Godspeed and a wonderful sailing year.
Best wishes, Carter
I hope you had a great celebration ringing in 2023. And I hope this new year brings you great joy and happiness.
2023 will see changes to the structure and the leadership of the Sea Sprite Association. We will be spreading out administrative functions. And I will be retiring from my position as Commodore.
I have had a great time helping to build the organization during these past eleven years. I have made many friends, met wonderful fellow sailors, and have had many truly memorable experiences. However, it is time to restructure the SSA organization to engage more people in leadership and administrative positions.
The SSA is a strong, healthy, and vibrant organization. A summary of the state of the SSA is included at the end of this post.
We are seeking participants from around the country who love the Sea Sprite crafts to fill leadership positions of commodore, secretary, and webmaster for the Sea Sprite Association. Positions are for one year. We have a zoom account, and future BOD and organizational meetings will be via zoom. You can live anywhere and enjoy participating in the leadership of the SSA.
Helping fellow Sea Sprite owners to enjoy these fine boats is an incredibly rewarding experience. If you would like to know more about what each position involves , or wish to volunteer for a position, please either email me at: or call me at 401-258-1389.
My very best wishes to you all,
The SSA is well-defined with clear organizational structure. We are formally recognized as a non-profit organization by the state of RI and by the federal government. We have simple but effective by-laws governing the organization. Our leadership group currently consists of a Board Of Directors, a commodore, a racing chair, a webmaster, a historian, and a forum guru.We have an active website promoting communication with postings, a forum, technical support, and classifieds.
The membership is supportive and widespread. Over the past 10 years, 252 sailors have paid dues for at least one year. That number includes about 50 owners of SS28/30/34’s. We are spread out across the US in 30 states, Canada, Alaska, and even England. RI has 63 registered members, Mass 44, Maine 23, and Conn 17. States having one boat include Col, Okla,Ala, Del, Ill, Ind. There are 5 boats in Canada and one boat in England.
The website is active and vigorously used. Site visits have been averaging 100 visits per day for several years, down from around 160 in the early years. Total visits since its inception are 434,000!!. The Forum is active, with archives dating back 25 years. Racing remains very active, with a one-design fleet in Bristol and PHRF participation in many local yacht clubs around the country.