Fine Arts Print of SS23 Weekender Available

Will Sofrin, in collaboration with the SSA and using the original line drawings archived at MIT, has created a beautiful fine arts print of the craft. His artwork is beautiful. We have offered his work through our Ship’s Store for many years, and continue to do so. Here is the print:

/Users/willsofrin/Dropbox/Sea Sprite Weekender.dwg

Each print is customized to reflect colors and names of the boat and owner on high quality paper. They are pretty neat.

Further information is available on the website under “Store”. Here is a link to the website page:

On this page, you will find a link that will get you to the order form that describes layouts available, pricing, etc. Print it out, fill it out, and send it on to Will. He is very responsive, and will answer any questions you may have.

Right now, Will has drawn up only a print for the Weekender. If there is enough interest among Day Sailor owners, he will draw up a Day Sailor print as well. Please email me with a brief note indicating your interest in purchasing a Day Sailor print. I will keep Will and those interested up to date about the numbers.

2023 Annual Meeting A Blast

2023 Sea Sprite Annual Meeting

Bristol Yacht Club

Bristol, RI

May 12, 2023

It was a perfect early May evening as the Bristol Yacht Club hosted the 2023 Sea Sprite Annual Meeting.  A musical instrumental duo welcomed Bristol Yacht Club members as well as Sea Sprite sailors and their spouses.

Cocktails were enjoyed prior to the formal 7:00 PM meeting.  As you can tell by the following pictures, everyone enjoyed socializing and sharing their latest sea stories and how much they loved their Sea Sprites.

Left to right:  Andrew McKeith, Dom Messerli (Commodore), David Borten, Shawn Hogan.

Dejan Radaka (Board of Governors), Michelle Free, Scott Free

Chuck Roscoe (Treasurer) and wife, Kristen

Following some rollicking sea tales, the boat owners assembled in the BYC Chart Room where Commodore Messerli opened the meeting by introducing himself and asking everyone assembled to introduce themselves and share any pertinent information about their sailing history and/or boat information.  Members in attendance:

Roberto Garcia

David Borton

Chuck Roscoe

Scott Free

Andrew McKeith

Bob Catani

Dejan Radaka

Bob Rude

Shawn Hogan

Shawen Williams

Great vibes could be felt throughout the Chartroom.  We could tell that this promised to be a great evening.  

Next on the agenda was to formally induct new officers and board members:

Chuck Roscoe – New Board Member and Treasurer

Dom Messerli – Commodore and new Board Member

Carter Hall – Secretary

All new Board Members and Officers were unanimously approved.

Chuck Roscoe issued the treasurer’s report:  The SS Association is solvent to the tune of roughly $6,000.  New owners continue to join the association and their membership fees continue to feed the coffers.  

Dejan Radeka, Forum editor of the website, encouraged all SS sailors to contribute articles to be posted on the website.  He also displayed two new sizes of Sea Sprite pennants that can be ordered from the Sail Bag Lady in Madison, Connecticutt.  The cost is $51.00 a single flag, and for orders of twelve or more the cost is $31.50 per flag.  Here is a link to the Ship’s Store on the SSA website describing the pennant in greater detail and providing ordering directions.  

Different size pennants can be ordered if your Race Committee needs a flag to indicate a Sea Sprite starting sequence.

The Racing Schedule was presented for the year by Bob Rude, Board Member. Each boat owner will be presented with a copy of the Sailor’s Guide to the Racing Rules and The Rules in Brief.   It’s never too early to brush up on The Sailing Rules of Sailing, 2020-2024.  Let’s continue to have safe fun on the water!

To round out the evening, Commodore Messerli presented the trophies for last year’s sailing and Sea Sprite contributions:

Amon Trophy – Bob Catani

Nancy BelleAward – Bob Catani

Sea Sprite Regatta – Bob Catani

Denise Award – Greg Raleigh (see preceding or following post)

Brown Award – Dom Messerli

As an aside, all our trophies will be permanently displayed at the Bristol Yacht Club in an upstairs glass-enclosed trophy case.  (A huge thank you to the BYC and steward Chris Healy for making this happen.)