Last I checked, Fall is really here in New England. Yes, the leaves are turning and dropping. It is getting cold at night, And during the day, as well. The first frost has arrived, the apples are Delicious, and there are pumpkins everywhere. And yes, Lulabelle is covered.

She is not just out of the water, but is (finally) tucked away under a tarp in a little corner of the boatyard. Awaiting Spring. Like the rest of us.
Notes From Narragansett
But the season was busy, filled with great sailing and great friends. Here on Narragansett Bay, the season ended by September. The Wednesday evening series at Bristol YC was well attended for 12 races. Bob Catani won almost all of the SS23 races, and in fact won overall best boat in the entire series because of his consistent winning ways. Carter in Lulabelle pulled in 2nd, and Roger Carney garnered 3rd.
We raced the Sea Sprite Regatta in early August with 6 boats racing. Herb Browne and family in his newly purchased Marshall Catboat started the class for 2 races. Bob C. placed first and second, winning the series.
And we saved the best for last. In early September, we had 9 boats for the ‘Round The Hog race. Perfect wind, perfect clear and blue and sunny day for a counterclockwise race around Hog Island, just outside Bristol Harbor. Jon Goff sailing Bramasole nipped Bob C. sailing with Jeff Bardell in Pau Hana. And the post-race party at Lou and Karen Marino’s home in Bristol was again a blast. Lou’s Famous Pulled Pork Barbecue took culinary honors.
Here are some pictures:

Carter presenting Mr. Hog to the combined winners Jon Goff sailing Bob C’s Bramasole.

The Spread

The slow roaster a la Lou…flower pots, electric coil, wood chips, briquets

New outdoor seating at the Marino’s

Race pics

Bob and Deb Rude with Emelia Marino and friend

Good food!!

Call For Postings
I hope there are pockets of SS23’s around the country who are getting together. And I know there are some great adventures waiting to be told. Please send me pictures, a story, a poem, your thoughts about a day sail, anything you think might be of interest to other sailors, and I will put it out as a post. We need some winter time reading!