Searching The Forum

The Forum has over 10 years of postings with questions and answers about a multitude of topic regarding the Sea Sprite, This wealth of information can easily be tapped using the Search option from the Forum’s home page. Hit the box labelled Search, and then type in your key word. You will then have a page of threads on the Forum that have that key word. Alternatively, hit this button to get to the Forum’s Search function box: Search Function link

For example, if you wish to find out readers thoughts on what size motor to buy, type in “motor” in the search box. You can search on any word…winch handle, a boat name (try “Heritage” to get to Chance Smith’s posting on his extensive rehab project), sails, hatch cover, etc. We have broken out a few topics from such searches and have placed them under Technical. And you too can become a published author (!!!) by writing up the results of your Search on a topic and sending it into the SSA for placement in Technical.


Zara Restoration

Paul Sollito, from Wickford, RI, has done a masterful restoration on Zara. His effort was completed 2 summers ago, and he pulled together last Fall his pictures and wrote up the story. Zara looks like a brand new boat. You can get to his documentation by clicking on “Zara” under “Restorations” on the right-hand menu. You can also go directly to Zara’s post by clicking here:

Zara Restoration


As part of my winter project to post descriptions of rehabs for reference by Sea Sprite owners, here is another recent major SS23 restorations done by Tim Lackey in Whitfield, Maine. It is Aventura, owned by Peter Krause of MacMahan Island, Maine. Tim does fine work, and posts terrific documentation of the entire project.

Click here to get to Tim’s documentation of the work he did on Aventura:
