Annual Meeting And Dinner Was Great!!

Attendees at the the Sea Sprite Association Annual Meeting And Dinner held April 15th, 2016 once again enjoyed a lovely evening and gracious hosting at the Bristol YC in R.I. We met at 6:00 for drinks, and enjoyed a delicious buffet presented by Amos House Catering. For us northerners, this is Opening Night for the sailing season! Good friends, good drink, good food heralds again a fun and exciting sailing season.

Emma Radeka talks with Harold Tucker and her after

Emma Radeka talks with Harold Tucker and her father


After dinner, Carter  opened the meeting welcoming attendees and thanking the sailors at Bristol Yacht Club for hosting our event. He then covered the state of the organization, and followed with new business.

Here are the minutes:


April 15, 2016


Bank balance grew from $2,673 to $3,532.

Income: solely from memberships, with a total of 64 active dues paying members for 2015.

Expenses: included a one-time application fee of $400 paid to obtain approval from the IRS to be tax-exempt, low internet fees (because we were in the 3rd year of 3 year contracts), no race fees.

On the assumption that average administrative expenses are $500, we have enough savings to cover 6 to 7 years of operating expenses if income stream ends.

Although the position of Treasurer was approved as a by-law change at the 2015 Annual Meting, no progress has been made in filling the position.


64 members paid dues for 2015, down slightly from 77 in 2014. There are 120 members who have paid at least one year of dues coming from 23 states. Benefits remain the same (Jamestown Distributors, Thurston Sails, selling one’s boat). Dues remain at $25.


This was our 2nd year of registered non-profit status, and 1st year of official IRS tax-exempt status (one time filing fee of $400). Max profit we can make before status changes is $50,000. Filing is e-card. It takes me 5 minutes to file. (No cost). Classifieds have grown, with 10 boats listed for sale, and 24 sold. Website, including the Forum, is very active, and remains open to all. 14,000 visitors viewed 81,000 pages in 2015, up from 11,900 visitors in 2014. Ship Store remains the same (fine arts print, line drawings). Website projects include documenting rehabs as references (Zara, Heritage, Tim Lacky, Art Haberland) and changing technical to be a simple compilation of articles on particular subjects and projects.


Our goal remains the same…we are a national organization for rehabbers, local 1-design and PHRF racers, and rendezvous sailors across the country.


Narragansett Bay is the only known one-design racing venue for the SS23, although boats do race PHRF in their local fleets. Last year, at BYC’s request to save resources, our local fleet joined with their J-22 to have a one-design regatta in early Spring in Bristol instead of our historically separate Sea Sprite Regatta. It was cancelled for a variety of reasons. Later in the summer we held a free, self-sponsored event under the insurance umbrella of the Herreshoff Museum using the bell off Poppasquash Point for 2 races run by Herb Browne and family from his catboat. The Herreshoff unfortunately bundled entry fees with tickets to the dinner for the Herreshoff Regatta in August, making the day cost over $200. Only 2 SS23’s entered, and the Sea Sprite 23 division was cancelled. ‘Round The Hog was a total success, with 6 boats sailing a self start course around Hog Island followed by a well attended barbecue at Lou and Karen Marino’s house.

Regatta insurance was explored. We talked with NBYA and Herreshoff about umbrella coverage, and with Shub directly.

A 3 race series was planned and promoted for Ohio Ledge last year to encourage West Bay participation. Nobody signed up.

Class Rules were written, posted, changed per suggestions, and accepted.

BYC reduced the cost for non-members to race Wednesday evening in their Millard Series from $370 to $200, helping to maintain racing fleet integrity.

Relationship with BYC

Ruth Souto is our liaison with BYC. She reported on plans for the Millard Wednesday Night Series, and the need to encourage participation.

Racing 2016

Jon Goff, NB Race Chair, reported plans for 3 weekend races this year. He is working with Ruth to have our Regatta again at BYC. We will join the MOHOSA
Regatta mid-summer, and finish with our ‘Round The Hog Race in early September.


Carter suggested a rendezvous for the SS28/30/34’s this summer, perhaps at Dutch Harbor in Jamestown (RI) or at Cuttyhunk in the Elizabeth Islands in Buzzards Bay (Mass). A Volunteer is needed to coordinate such a get-together.


Bob Catani almost swept the sailing awards, winning the Amon Plaque (to the winner of the Millard Series), the Nancy Belle Plaque (to the best sailor on NB),
and the Sea Sprite Regatta Bowl. Jon Goff, sailing Bramisole, won ‘Round The Hog.

The b oys sweep (almost) the sailing awards

The Browne Bowl was presented by Herb Browne to Lou Marino for his
good sportsmanship, courteousness, and big smile on the water, and for his contributions to the local fleet through his and his wife’s gracious hosting of an annual fall barbecue.

Herb talking about Lou and his fleet contributions and good sportsmanship

Herb talking about Lou and his fleet contributions and good sportsmanship

Lou and Herb

Lou and Herb


The Denise Award was presented to Dejan Radeka for his tremendous contribution to the organization through his writings and advice over the years in the sea sprite

Dejan receives the Denise Award for his Forum contributions

Dejan receives the Denise Award for his Forum contributions



It was a wonderful evening, with a great buzz. Thanks to All!!!!!

Bardell yakking. They are not all his beers.

Bardell yakking. They are not all his beers.

Annual SSA April Dinner And Meeting April 15th, 2016

The Owners!!

The Owners!!

The 2016 annual meeting and dinner of the Sea Sprite Association will be held this year at Bristol Yacht Club on April 15, 2016. We will enjoy cocktails (cash bar) from 5:30 to 6:30, dine from 6:30 to 7:30 buffet style, and have our annual meeting from 7:30 for about an hour covering our financial picture, events of 2015, state of the organization, awards, and new business.

An agenda will be available at the door. If you have an item you would like to discuss under new business, please send it to

The kids had a great time

The kids had a great time

Cost will be $22,50 per person, and only $20.50 if reservations are made by Tuesday, April 12th. Please call Chris Healy, the Bristol YC club steward, at 401-253-2922 to reserve a spot.

Come and enjoy a fun evening with old and new friends. It is a great way to kick off the sailing season!!

Herb and his son Rob

Herb and his son Rob