2022 SSR NOR


Qualification & Entry:

2022 SEA SPRITE – J22 ONE-DESIGN REGATTA Saturday, July 23-24, 2022



This series will be open to Sea Sprite 23’s and J22s who are members of either the Sea Sprite Association or the J22 Class. Sea Sprite skippers must be a member of the SS Association. To join the Sea Sprite Association, go to the Association website at http://www.seaspriteassociation.com.


The regatta will be governed by the rules, as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024, this Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions. This NOR and the SI will be published on the Bristol Yacht Club website under “Racing”, as well as on the Sea Sprite Association website.

Boats must conform to the Class Rules as specified on the Sea Sprite 23 Association website, and on the J22 Association website.


First Warning signal for the Sea Sprite class is scheduled at 1300 hours on Saturday July 23, 2022. Two races are scheduled for the Sea Sprite class on Saturday only. There will be a prize giving and pizza after racing on Saturday for the Sea Sprites.

First warning signal for the J22 class is scheduled at 1200 hours. Further racing will follow for the J22s on Saturday. First warning signal for the J22s on Sunday, July 24 will be at 1100 hours, with further racing to follow. No warning signal will be made after 1500 hours on Sunday. Prizes will be awarded for the J22s following the conclusion of racing on Sunday.

Racing Area:

The starting and finishing area will be in the vicinity of lower Bristol Harbor. Courses will be described in the Sailing Instructions.


The regatta will be scored according to the low point scoring system in Appendix A in the Racing Rules. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each class in the regatta.


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Each participating boat must be insured with valid third-party insurance.

Fees and Registration

The entry fee for the Sea Sprites in this event is $40/boat, which includes pizza at the prize giving ceremony for skippers and crew.

The entry fee for J22s is $100/boat, which includes 4 drink tickets.

The entry fees for both classes include overnight docking or moorings for those who need it, which can be arranged in advance at registration.

Registration will be online at the regatta website on Clubspot, and must be completed on or before July 20h. There will be a link on the Bristol Yacht Club website, but the entry page can also be accessed with the link below:

Regatta Co-Chairs:
Bob Rude (Sea Sprites) – rrude1@me.com
and Mike Gemperline (J22s) – mikegemperline@yahoo.com

BYC Chief Steward:
Christopher Healy – steward@bristolyc.com


(This section is not part of the NOR, and is advisory only)

  1. 1)  Visitor docking can be arranged in advance on the registration page linked above.
  2. 2)  The Bristol Yacht Club bar will be open on a no-host basis.
  3. 3)  For those who want to purchase a takeout lunch in Bristol, contact:Bristol Bagel Works: 420 Hope St, Bristol – (401) 254-1390 Ricotti’s Subs: 11 Gooding Ave., Bristol – (401) 253-1614

Get Set For Some Great Racing On Narragansett Bay



The 2016 Narragansett Bay Racing Schedule is finalized. We will be racing in Bristol Harbor every Wednesday evening in Bristol Yacht Club’s Millard Series for 12 evenings. In addition, there will be 3 weekend events. The Sea Sprite Regatta for SS23’s will again take place at Bristol YC on July 10th. The class will participate in the MOHOSA Regatta that takes place in Mount Hope Bay on Sunday, July 31st, and will have a separate start if 5 boats or more are racing. And in early September we will have our yearly and informal race around Hog Island followed by a cookout, details to be released soon.

Event descriptions, notice of race, and sailing instructions will be posted in the right-hand menu under the subject heading Racing.

If anyone on the Bay or elsewhere in the country wishes to coordinate an event such as a race regatta or a rendezvous, please let me know so I can help get the word out.

Have a great summer, everyone!!!!!

Ms Lynne G in Good Old Boat

Good Old Boat featured Ms Lynne G and her owners Joel and Lynne Schuman in its March, 2016 magazine. It is a great story. As you might remember, her rehab is carefully documented by Tim Lacky, from Maine, who did the restoration. Bill Jacobs has written a fine article, and he and Good Old Boat have generously given us permission to post his work on our website.

Click on the link below to bring up the article.
