2019 Registration


date: Sunday, July 16, 2017

NAME: _______________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________

PHONE: _________________ EMAIL: ___________________

YACHT NAME: ______________________________________

YACHT COLOR: ______________________________________

YACHT SAIL #: ______________________________________

Entry fee of $35 covers racing fee, trophies, and hamburger/hotdog cookout after the race for skippers and crew AT Bristol YC. Please make checks out to Sea Sprite Association. Registration is due by July 6th. Fill out, sign, and then mail application with check for entry fee by that date to:

Sea Sprite Association
115 Field Stone Lane
Tiverton, RI 02878

For and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry fee in this Regatta, I hereby accept all the risks and responsibilities of my yacht’s participation in said Regatta and waive any and all claims I may have against Bristol Yacht Club and Sea Sprite Association, their members, officers, directors, committees, agents and/or employees arising out of or in any way connected with such Regatta, the rules of US Sailing, the rules of my class and the rules of the host organization.

Signed:_____________________________________(Skipper) Date: _______________

2022 Sea Sprite Regatta S/I’s

The 2022 SSR Sailing Instructions are on the registration site Clubspot. Here is the link:


For comparison, the S/I’s for 2021 are below:



  1. RULES

1.1 The Championships will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, the Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions.

1.2 A valid, signed Entry Form including a liability waiver by all participants with full payment of fees must be submitted.

1.3 The rules of RRS Part 2 are replaced with the right-of-way rules of state and federal regulations governing inland navigation when encountering commercial traffic.

1.4 Spinnakers shall not be used.

1.5 No PHRF certificate will be needed.

1.6 Class requirements including sail dimensions and construction are listed on the Sea Sprite Association website at http://www.seaspriteassociation.com/. Sails constructed before 2008 will be grandfathered in.

1.6.1 If a pole is used to wing out a headsail, it must be attached to the mast.

1.6.2 All boats must display sail numbers on at least one sail during the race consistent with their race registration.


2.1 Notices will be posted on the race committee bulletin board located in the main hallway of the BYC clubhouse.


3.1 Changes to these SI’s will be posted on the race committee bulletin board and emailed to registered skippers prior to day of race.


4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed from the club’s flagpole on the front lawn.

4.2 When flag “AP” is displayed ashore, the warning signal for the first race will be made not less than 60 minutes after removal. This changes the meaning of Race Signal “AP” when it is displayed ashore.


5.1 There will be 2 races on Saturday, July 24, 2021.

5.2 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race is 1300.


6.1 The starting area is in lower Bristol Harbor.

6.2 First alternate starting area is between Castle Island light and C3 (Usher’s Rock).

6.3 Second alternate starting area is south of the Herreshoff anchorage.


7.1 The course will be a windward/leeward course consisting of a windward and a leeward mark.  The RC may indicate a “twice around” course by indicating a numeral “2” on a board on the RC boat.  At its discretion, the RC may inform competitors of the course to be sailed via Channel 71.  The windward mark will be located between .75 and 1 nautical mile to weather.  The leeward mark will be set at a distance left to the discretion of the RC.  All marks are to be left to port.  

7.2 Course length will be determined by RC.

7.3 After the start, boats may not pass between the starting pin and the committee boat until finishing.


8.1 Windward and leeward marks will be temporary racing inflatable orange or yellow buoys.

8.2 The starting and finishing marks will be between the race committee signal boat and an orange or yellow inflatable buoy.


9.1 The location of the starting area will be as described in Instruction #6.

9.2 The starting line will be between an orange, inflatable buoy and a staff displaying an orange or white flag on the race committee signal boat.

9.3 Races will be started according to Rule 26 with the exception that the visual signals may be omitted.  (For those of you unfamiliar with Rule 26, here is an explanation of the sound signals and the timing of the same.)

    • Flurry of Sound Signals – Attention Sailors…the Warning Signal will soon be sounded.
    • Five minutes before the start – Sound Signal – Warning Horn
    • Four minutes before the start – Sound Signal – Preparatory Horn
    • One minute before the start – Sound Signal 
    • Start Signal – Sound Signal – The race is started.


10.1 The finish line will be between the staff displaying an orange or white flag on the race committee boat and the anchored finish mark.

10.2 After starting, the Race Committee may shorten the start/finish line by moving the pin or relocating the finish boat without signaling. This changes rule 33.


11.1 The areas between the following aids to navigation and the adjacent land are obstructions at all times:

C “3” Usher’s Cove

Castle Island Beacon N of Hog Island

Hog Island Shoal Light House SE of Hog Island

C “3” E of Hog Island

RB “1” QK FL Bell SW of Poppasquash Point

RN “2” SW of Bristol Point


12.1 The first-place boat must cross the finish line within 2 hours of start, or the race is cancelled.

12.2 The time limit for each race will be 3 hours from start.

12.3 The second race will not start after 1630.

12.4 Boats failing to finish within the time limits will be scored DNF without a hearing. This changes Rules 35, A4 and A5.


13.1 Protest forms will be available from the RC.

13.2 Protests must be submitted within 30 minutes after the RC Boat docks.

13.3 Hearings will be held in the protest room, located on the second floor of the clubhouse, beginning 40 minutes after the RC Boat docks.


14.1 Each boat finishing a race, and not thereafter retiring or being disqualified, will be scored as follows:

Finishing Place Score

First .75 pts

Second 2 pts

Third 3 pts

Fourth 4 pts

Each place thereafter add 1 point

14.2 All other boats that start in that race and retire or are disqualified

will receive the score for their finishing place one more than the number of boats competing in that race.

14.3 Boats that do not compete in the race (DNC) will be scored for their finishing place 2 more than the number of boats competing in that race.

14.4 The series score for each boat will be the sum of her race scores divided by the number of races for which she is scored.


15.1 A boat shall Check-In prior to racing by identifying herself by sail number and reporting the number of souls aboard. It will be each boat’s responsibility to assure acknowledgement from the race committee.

15.2 Check-In shall be done when passing within hailing distance of the race committee signal boat, or by VHF radio channel 72.

15.3 A boat shall Check-Out with the race committee by finishing the race, or, if retiring, to do so as soon as possible either by so communicating on Channel 71 VHF or by passing within hailing distance of the RC boat and so communicating verbally. A yacht that has withdrawn must not cross the finish line.

15.4 Narragansett Bay, including Bristol Harbor, is considered a “restricted channel” and there shall be no interference with commercial or privileged marine traffic. When boats meet vessels not sailing under these Sailing Instructions, the rules of Part 2 are replaced by government right-of-way rules. The race committee or protest committee, upon the observation, or proper report, of an incident shall protest the boat. This changes rules 60.2 and 60.3.


16.1 The race committee may broadcast courtesy racing information such as weather, courses, starting sequence, starting violations, time limits, etc. Failing to do so will not be grounds for redress.

16.2 VHF Channel 71 will be used for any announcements by the race committee and for communication with competitors, except radio check-in.

16.3 VHF Channel 72 will be used for radio check-in only, following the protocol noted under Safety Regulations.


17.1 Trophies will be awarded to first, second, and third place finishers for the Regatta.

17.2 The overall winner will have his or her name engraved on the perpetual trophy named “Sea Sprite Regatta.”


18.1 Competitors participate in the races entirely at their own risk. See RRS rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the races.


19.1 Each participating boat should be insured with valid third-party liability insurance.

2021 ‘Round The Hog

SeaSprite sailors, happy Holiday Weekend to you all!

We hope you all had a fun sailing season thus far!? For many of us, there are two key events still ahead of us, one is the last Wednesday night race this coming Wednesday and then of course the fun and exciting SeaSprite race around Hog Island on Saturday the 11th at 1:00pm.
This year, we will have an actual striating/finishing line with two large inflatable buoys just outside of the mooring field in Bristol Harbor. Big thank you to Bob Rude and Mark Rotsky from the Bristol Yacht Club. Additionally, the post race gathering will be held at the Bristol Yacht Club where the bar will be open for drinks and Pizzas will be provided for the hungry Sea Sprite sailors. Thank you Chris Healy for accommodating us at the club!
Also this year, we may have and welcome some Sea Sprites coming in from out of town, “Seeker” (Ian) from Edgewood Yacht Club with a 1969 Weekender and “Sailaway” (John) from Apponaug.
Please find attached the Notice of Race, the Sailing Instructions and a map showing the marks around the island.
Please send me an email to let me know if you will participate in the race or if you have any questions.
We look forward to a fun event and seeing you all on the water and at the social event after the race.
Dom Messerli and Bob Rude
Happy sailing!