It was a corker of a day, once again. The Bristol Fleet’s gathering at Lou Marino’s home in Bristol after a race around Hog Island just outside the harbor entrance capped a great summer of racing for 2016.
The day started with bright sunshine and no wind. 8 boats finally gathered around the middle ground mark off the Herreshoff Marine Museum, the wind finally arrived, and the race finally began at 1:30. Best start went to Lulabelle (it was noted later that no surprise there, for Lulabelle was blowing the starting horn). Turns out the course was perfect, with a great beat up the channel, then a reach and run around Hog Island, and a return to the Middle Ground bouy. And lo and behold, when the spray settled, there was Bob and Jon in Bramasole (no surprise there, either) finishing first.
Then on to Lou’s. First up was the award of Mr. Hog to the winners:
Then on to the spread. It was scrumptious. Everyone brought a dish to supplement Lou’s slow cooked pork:
The pulled pork was front and center:
Race stories were told:
Dom races on Wednesday evenings with Bob on his J30. But today they hauled out their sea sprites and went head to head. Our competition does indeed breed good friends!
Lou and his daughter Emilia were great chefs and hosts:
It is getting cool up here in New England. Boats will soon be hauled, covered, and put away for winter. Hard to believe. But the memories of great racing, great sailing, and great friends will help get us through the snow and into 2017.