2018 Narragansett Bay Racing Season Outline

We will be racing in Bristol Harbor every Wednesday evening in Bristol Yacht Club’s Millard Series for 12 evenings beginning May 30. In addition, there will be 2 weekend events. The Sea Sprite Regatta for SS23’s will again take place at Bristol YC Sunday this year on Saturday, July 28th.  On Saturday, August 24, we will have our yearly informal race around Hog Island followed by a cookout at the Marino’s home in Bristol. The Herreshoff Classic Boats Regatta, will be held August 23-25 with one-design racing on Friday. A similar schedule last year drew only one sea sprite, and it is considered unlikely that this year’s event will draw more interest.

Tthe Nancy Belle award will be based on which boat scores best in scheduled races including the Sea Sprite Regatta, ‘Round The Hog, and the Millard series. Other racing shall be considered as well. Specific guidelines will be promulgated before the season begins.

2017 Dues

If notification of dues arrives in my mailbox, it must be Spring. Well, Spring  it is not quite yet, but the dues notice is here anyways! As reliable as a robin. So, very quickly:

Dues are $25 for 2017, unchanged for years. BOD met last week and decided to continue dues at current levels. We now have about $4,300 in the account, enough to cover 7 years of   operating expenses if dues dried up completely. We will give $350 this summer to the Herresmhoff Sailing School to help maintain their fleet of aging (aren’t they all?) SS23’s. Other ideas for donations/expenditures welcomed.

Benefits for members continue. Members receive a 10% discount at Jamestown Distributors, Thurston Sails, and Will Sofrin Fine Art Prints (new this year) along with ability to advertise your boat for sale on the  website when that awful day comes.

Your dues support the SSA and our website with its communications and documentation efforts.

Thanks to everyone who has supported the organization with one or more dues payment in the past. Check the website at SSA website/membership to find out how to join/rejoin.

Many thanks.     Carter

Happy Holidays, Everyone

It is a little cold up here in New England. Not a lot of sailing going on. Boats are on the hard, wrapped up warm under covers, waiting… The winter solstice is today, which means Spring is not (truly) too far away (really).

So what is a Sea Sprite owner going to do with all the spare time over the next few months? Well, one erstwhile sailor spent some time at the local DMV here in Massachusetts, and came up with a new way to say “I love my sea sprite”. Jon Goff has to win some sort of award for this one:


Have a wonderful Holiday Season, everyone, and a fun filled New Year’s Eve. Raise a toast to all of us sea sprite lovers around the world!!