2017 April Dinner And Meeting A Great Time

The 2017 Annual Sea Sprite Association Meeting And Dinner held on April 7th at the Bristol YC was a great success and enjoyed by all. The setting was gorgeous, the food by Amos House delicious, and of course the people were fun.

Dom and Pat

Dom and Pat

After drinks and dinner, the meeting began. Carter presented the 2016 financial statement, and a summary of the organizational and financial status of the SSA. The following is the summary:




Bank balance grew over one year from $3,532.07 to $4,342.71 by December 31, 2016. Income came from mostly membership as well as a small contribution from Will Sofrin fine print contract and from race fees for the SS Regatta. Expenses were high due to a 3 year charge for our next cycle of web-site hosting of $467.28. Upon review of the past 4 years of operating expenses our annual unreimbursed cost are $688. We still have no one filling the position of Treasurer authorized in 2015.


66 members paid dues, almost the same as last year’s count of 64. We have 145 members who have paid at least one year of dues, up from 120 last year. They hail from 27 states including 2 Canadian provinces, up 4 from last year. Dues stayed at $25 for a fourth year in a row. Benefits remained the same (Jamestown Distributors, Thurston Sails, listings in Classifieds).


We remain a registered, tax-exempt non-profit organization. We pay $22 / yr to RI for our non-profit status (and no state taxes) and no further payment for registration with the IRS. Classifieds are active, with 8 boats for sale and 33 sold (10 and 24 in 2015). Visitors to the website (that includes the Forums) are down from 14,200 in 2015 to 12,000 for 2016. A few posts were written, but the emphasis on racing was subdued. Despite calls (from me) for posts on any SS subject, non were forthcoming


We sailed the annual SS 23 Regatta at BYC with 8 boats racing. The Wednesday evening Millard racing series at BYC had 12 SS23 register with 7 to 10 boats on the line each race. We were invited to rejoin the Herreshoff Classic Boat Regatta with unbundled entry fees, and had 7 boats race. MOHOSA was pushed as an additional racing venue, but only one SS23 entered. We again ran a fun self starting race around Hog Island in early September with 7 boats entering and enjoyed a post-race barbecue at Lou and Karen Merino’s. The SSA contributed $100 to the post-Hog barbecue, and approximately $30 to the SS 23 Regatta. We also gave a free membership to the Herreshoff Marine Museum, and waived the race fee for their entry into the SS 23 Regatta. No one contested new class rules(!!!). No other racing from other locals has been reported.


Amelia with dad Lou

Emilia with dad Lou

We then moved on to new issues.

Dues…will remain at $25 for 2017.

Donations To Organizations…Our mission is to promote interest and participation in the Sea Sprite class of sailing yachts. Our goal of having enough money in the bank account to cover 7 years of operating expenses has been met. The BOD discussed options on how best to begin supporting our Mission Statement. They voted to work with the Herreshoff Museum to help upkeep their fleet of SS23 in their sailing school. In addition to posting on the website a call for donations of SS23 equipment, the SSA will donate $350 to the Herresmhoff Marine Museum for SS23 fleet upkeep. We will continue to give the Museum a free SSA membership, and free entry into the SS  Regatta.

Racing…For  Narragansett Bay in RI…The SS Regatta will be held Sunday, July 16. Bristol YC will be the organizing authority. MOHOSA participation in early August is encouraged. Around The Hog with post race barbecue will be held in early September. Millard Series each Wednesday evening starts May 31st. Best racer on Narragansett Bay selection criteria will be promulgated by Race Chair. For racing elsewhere…everyone is encouraged to race in local one-design fleet racing, PHRF fleets, etc.

Burgee…The BOD has authorized the purchase from SSA funds to buy burgees to sell to membership. Work is in progress to find a supplier. We also need to find a member to help with sales and distributions. Any volunteers??

Fine Art Prints…We have changed our arrangement with Will Sofrin.  From now on, he will offer 10% off sales price to members rather than give the SSA a 10% commission. The price reduction now becomes a membership benefit.

Public Relations…We hope to explore PR possibilities with articles in papers, magazines, etc., about the boat,  racing, and cruising. Anyone who would like to help spread the word locally and/or nationally contact Carter.

Awards…And the winners are:

Nancy BelleTrophy…for the Best Sailor on Narragansett Bay…Jonathan Enright

Jonathan receives the Nancy Belle Award

Jonathan receives the Nancy Belle Award


Sea Sprite Regatta 2016……Carter Hall

Brown Award…for sportsmanship on the race course and contribution to the SSA…Ruth Souto

What a grin!

What a grin!

Ruth and Pat contemplate Ruth's new award

Ruth and Pat contemplate Ruth’s new award


Denise Award…for leadership and contribution to the SSA…Bob Catani.



And more pictures from a fine evening:


Bob and Dom

Bob and Dom

New members Bill and Kim Beebe

New members Bill and Kim Beebe

New racing skipper Jonathan with crew Peter

New racing skipper Jonathan with crew Peter

Meeting Time

Meeting Time

And that was it for the Spring Meeting! Feel free to contact Carter with thoughts, questions, ideas, etc. Have a great 2017 sailing season!!






2017 Annual Meeting And Dinner April 7th

Hard to believe, but it is that time of year. Our annual meeting and dinner will be held once again at the Bristol Yacht Club in Bristol, RI, on Friday, April 7th, at 6 pm of this year with drinks from the bar followed by a delicious buffet-style dinner.

Lou and Herb

Lou and Herb from last year

I have always found the event thrilling. Trading outlandish sailing stories is always fun. When I say my boat can fly, the reply is often “Sure. So do pigs”. But, really, she can:


And Lulabelle is not a pig.

I also love renewing sailing friendships. And I love meeting fellow sailors who love their sea sprites. There are so many of us around. The boat and new owners over the years have created a sea sprite diaspora that spreads across the US even into Canada. I wish we all were closer so the Spring meeting could be HUGE!

Bardell yakking. They are not all his beers.

Bardell yakking. They are not all his beers.

It is a fun event. Amos House will put on another delicious buffet dinner of Mediterranean salad follow by chicken marsala accompanied by rice piaf and seasonal veggies and ending with dessert. Cost is around $20 for early sign-ups, around $22 if one signs up later. For reservations, please contact Chris at Bristol Yacht Club at their contact page on the website byc contact list, Click on his name to use the club’s email list (his preference), or call him at (401) 253-2922. You actually pay at the event.

Bring the family. All are welcomed!

Emma Radeka talks with Harold Tucker and her after

Emma Radeka talks with Harold Tucker and her father

The MacKeiths

The MacKeiths

See you soon.

Parts Needed For SS23’s In Herreshoff Sailing School Fleet

Dockside at the Herreshoff

Dockside at the Herreshoff

I hope you are thinking of cover removal, varnish, and bottom paint these days. There is, truly, a whiff of Spring in the air (maybe it is the odor of the varnish).

This post is a continuing request for spare parts. The Herresmhoff Marine Museum in Bristol runs a great sailing program. They own a fleet of Herresmhoff 12 1/2’s, and are expanding to include added bigger boats as the school grows to include more advanced sailors, older folks, and even rentals for the day. To that end, last year they accepted in donations three SS23’s to add to their growing boat inventory.

As you know, our boats are older craft, and often in need of repair. Kirk Cusic, Director of the Herresmhoff sailing program welcomes any spare boat parts you can spare. This might include blocks/winches/shackles, old lines, standing rigging, sails, special racing gear, or anything else used over the years and no longer needed.

Your donations will be made to the Herresmhoff Marine Museum, a non-profit organization, and are tax deductible. To coordinate a donation or to ask questions , please contact Kirk either by email at k.cusic@herreshoff.org or by phone at (401) 253-5000.