The Pig Wins The 2017 ‘Round The Hog Race

The 5th annual ‘Round The Hog was held this year on Saturday September 10th. Hog Island sits just outside Bristol Harbor in Bristol, RI. The race takes usually about 1 and 1/2 hours in light to moderate winds. It is a fun race at the end of the racing season, not taken (too) seriously by participants, and is followed up every year by the barbecue at Lou and Karen Marino’s house in Bristol.

Mr. Hog threw at us a seriously difficult and peculiar race. We started downwind going counter-clockwise around the island in light air tightly bunched. A close rounding kept the fleet close. But then…the wind died, and we sailed into the Mt. Hope Channel facing an outgoing tide of about 3 knots. It was not pretty. The lead changed at least 20 times depending on who was riding what puff. A wise strategy would have been to throw out the anchor, but that came up as a thought only after the race.

Several boats crossed the channel to find wind and to avoid the tide. It worked. For a while. Those leaders zipped back across the channel and headed up the near side of Hog well in the lead and quite pleased with themselves. But the wind gods were not done with them. As the leaders sailed into dead air, and stopped, others quickly came up riding good puffs and snuck by heading up to the finish. It was a wild ending 3 hours later. As the saying goes, “The first shall be last, and…etc”.

And we met at Lou’s for his famous barbecue and a delicious get together.

Some old timers were there…IMG_1458

Bob Catania again won Mr. Hog. Lou (in front) and Bob regard Mr. Hog (center on the table) with suspicion:IMG_1460

Bob Rude chats with the Ides:IMG_1448

Herb Browne holds court:IMG_1449

And so…That’s It, Folks!! Sure was a short summer here in Bristol. By now, many boats are pulled, all wrapped up for the long and chilly winter months. But covers come off around here in 6 months, and we will begin again.

Until then, fair winds to all.

Enright Wins 2017 Sea Sprite Regatta

Jonathan Enright racing Goodwill won the 2017 Sea Sprite this past summer in closely contested racing at Bristol YC in RI on July 16th. He and Bob Catani tied after 2 races, each garnering a first and a second. Jon was declared the winner per the tie-breaking rules of the Racing Rules Of Sailing. We had a record 14 boats racing outside of Bristol Harbor.

I know it is a bit late to post such old news, but there was a protest that took the rest of the summer to resolve. Plus it is a fun story. Plus I knew everyone would like the pictures.

The Bristol YC did an outstanding job of setting a W-L course. The day began with a postponement due to light winds. “Mill about smartly” became the momentary order of the day:

IMG_1359 (1)

But within 1/2 hour the afternoon sea breeze kicked in, and we started the first race.

regatta start

The rounding at the first mark got jammed up:


And the sailing continued close for both races.

Here are the final standings:
BOAT                               SKIPPER                  RACE1               RACE2                TOTAL
Goodwill                        Jon Enright                 2                        1                         3

Bramasole                     Bob Catani                1                        2                         3

Grayling                          William Beebe          4                        5                         9

Hope                                Lou Marino              6                        4                         10

Apsaras                           Bob Rude                 5                        6                          11

Lulabelle                         Carter Hall               3                        8                           11

Belligerence                    John Pagnoni          9                        3                           12

New Hope                       Dom Messerli         8                        7                           15

Zara                                 Chuck Roscoe          7                        9                           16

Elf                                     Cameron Brule       11                       10                         21

Phox                                Evan Ide                    13                       11                        24

Kittiwake                         Jonathan Medeiros 14                       12                        26

Artemis                           Ruth Souto                10                      DNS                     26

Pod                                  Annie Kelly                12                      DNF                     28


We had 3 SS23’s from the Sailing School at the Herreshoff Marine Museum crewed by their instructor staff  racing this year.  They had a great time, and were competitive despite racing in boats that were not really rigged for racing.

Food and drinks on the porch at Bristol YC after the racing was enjoyed by all.

It was a great day!!



2017 Sea Sprite Regatta On July 16th In Bristol, RI

I know sea sprites are spread out across the country, but for those of us owning boats in New England, racing in the annual Sea Sprite Regatta is always a possibility. Particularly for those sailing on Narragansett Bay in RI. So here is a post from Jon Goff, SSA Race Committee chairman:


Sea Sprite Sailors,

The summer is here and racing in the Millard Series (Bristol YC) has been more competitive than ever!! The top five boats are all within 1.25 points of each other and first place has been shared between 3 boats over 5 races…

The first of two weekend races is right around the corner!! Come join the fun on Sunday, July 16th for the The Sea Sprite Annual Regatta hosted by Bristol Yacht Club. Format for the day is two races with a windward / leeward course. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race is 1300. The starting rendezvous area is in Bristol Harbor, west of the Town Pier. Sailing Instructions are here: Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and Registration are all on the SeaSprite Association Website. REGISTRATION IS DUE net Thursday, July 13th.

Also continue to Save the Date: September 9th – Around the Hog

Fair Winds and Favorable shifts!!!

Best, Jon Goff