


Sea Sprite

Prepping a Sea Sprite for Summer Sailing

The ignorance and bliss of youth fuels the rejuvenation of an old craft and a desire to compete

Illustration by Carlo Giambarresi / Morgan Gaynin


Here is a link to a wonderful rambling recall of first nautical love by Luke Rein just published in Sailing World……..Luke’s story


2022 Narragansett Bay Racing

From our RaceChair Dom Messerli:

Hello SeaSprite enthusiasts!

Great news, the sailing season is upon us and your SeaSprites and your crews can’t wait to go sailing, especially some sailing fun with your SeaSprite comrades! 🙂

This year we have the following in store:

Wednesday Night BYC-Millard Series Racing:May 18th Skippers meetingMay 18th, sign up deadline before late fee kicks in

May 25th, practice race

June 1st, First race

August 31st, Last race

September 7th, Make-up race

The spectacular, super fun Sea Sprite regatta will be:Saturday July 23rd, 1pm

SeaSprite Race Around Hog Island:Saturday, September 10th, 1pm

Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful Sea Sprites out there on the water, wave when you see one! 🙂

Happy sailing,Dom

Eight Bells For Harold Tucker

10443637_220wHarold Tucker, an icon in Sea Sprite sailing on Narraganset Bay, passed away last week at the age of 91. He sailed and raced his beloved SS23 Amon for years in the upper bay with friends and family with a smile and a wave to us all.

I think he would like these thoughts of Tennyson in  Crossing the Bar:

Sunset and evening star,
      And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
      When I put out to sea,
   But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
      Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
      Turns again home.
   Twilight and evening bell,
      And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
      When I embark;
   For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
      The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
      When I have crost the bar.

Herreshoff Classic Yacht Regatta, Sea Sprites


Fair winds, Harold. You will be greatly missed.