Our old forum provider Networks 54 has been sold to Tapatalk. We have our old threads and history available, but we now have the capability to insert pictures inline to a new post from your picture file on your computer. There is more capabilities using mobile devices to access the forum. The format is different, Click on the Forum button, and then connect either to the Sea Sprite 23 forum or to the SS28/30/34 forum.
Pay 2018 Dues, Get Free Hat!!!
You heard it right. Pay your 2018 dues (once again, only $25), and the SSA will send you a fine Sea Sprite Sailing chapeau FOR FREE!!
The Adams hat has a wide, closer-styled brim. Size is adjustable using a leather and brass buckle strap in back of the hat.
Here is the SSA website link to Join/Rejoin: To Join / Rejoin.
If you pay via PayPal (easiest and preferred method), you will be giving Paypal your address which will be used to send you your new hat. If you pay via check or money order, be sure that your address is included on the check. Please send checks to: Sea Sprite Association, 115 Field Stone Lane, Tiverton, RI 02878. For those who have already paid their 2018 dues, you will receive your hat shortly.
If you desire extra hats, we have them. However, their purchase is linked to joining the SSA. So they still will cost $25. Non-boat-owners who join the SSA (to get a hat) become members of the SSA Auxillary.
Have a wonderful summer!