2021 Sea Sprite Regatta Registration Form


Regatta Date: Saturday, July 24, 2021

Registration Deadline: Thursday July 22nd, 2021


NAME: _______________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________


PHONE: _________________ EMAIL: _______________________________

YACHT NAME: _______________________________________________________

YACHT COLOR: _______________________________________________________

YACHT SAIL #: _______________________________________________________

Entry fee of $40 covers racing fee, trophies, and hamburger/hotdog cookout after the race for skippers and crew at the Bristol Yacht Club. Please make checks out to Sea Sprite Association. Registration is due Thursday July 22nd. Fill out, sign, and then mail application with check for entry fee to:

Dom Messerli

Sea Sprite Race Fleet Commodore

25 Poppasquash Road

Bristol, RI, 02809

For and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry fee in this Regatta, I hereby accept all the risks and responsibilities of my yacht’s participation in said Regatta and waive any and all claims I may have against Bristol Yacht Club and Sea Sprite Association, their members, officers, directors, committees, agents and/or employees arising out of or in any way connected with such Regatta, the rules of US Sailing, the rules of my class and the rules of the host organization.

Signed: _____________________________________(Skipper) Date: _______________

Raven Rebuilding

Jon Goff, avid Bristol sea sprite sailor, racer, and inveterate creative tinkerer, is in the process of rebuilding Raven, an SS23 daysailer. His work is a remarkable story spanning several years and many hours that he has now documented on a newly created and exquisitely detailed blog. Here is the link to Raven Rebuilding. And below is his home page. He looks forward to your comments, advice, and thoughts.




Rejuvination of a Classic

During the summer of 2009 my father and I began to discuss the purchase of a boat that was larger than our Herreshoff 12 ½ but smaller than the C&C 35 that my wife and I previously owned.

The boats that we were principally looking at were the Pisces 21, Herreshoff Fish and Alerion 26.  That summer I sailed in a number of races on Elf a Sea Sprite 23.  I found Elf to be a pleasure to sail, well balanced and possessing an attractive shear.  The Sea Sprite 23 was added to the list of boats.  In particular the DaySailer model with a larger cockpit and more protected seating for sailing with small kids.  The price point was also very attractive being less than 10% the cost of any the other boats in consideration.  At the end of the summer the Sea Sprite 23 fleet sailed in the Herreshoff Regatta amongst all of the classics.  Seeing the Sea Sprites sailing alongside more traditional classics gave me an idea and at that moment this project was born.

Taking the classic hull and shear profile of the Sea Sprite 23 daysailer and couple it with a traditional Herreshoff Cabin Top; something similar to that found on a Herreshoff Fish Class, or Alerion. 

The GOAL became to rebuild a Sea Sprite 23 DaySailor to be more aesthetically pleasing, easier to sail and to create an ideal family boat for all ages that will last generations.

2018 Annual Meeting A Great Success

On May 11th, 2018, about 20 skippers, spouses, family, and crew gathered at Bristol Yacht Club for the SSA Annual Meeting. We enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner and each other’s company.


Carter first summarized the state of the organization. Sea Sprite sailors are a dispersed group, with boats in 27 states, including Alaska. 2017 Dues payment were down to 45 last year, but even with lowered income we met our expenses, donated $350 to maintenance of SS23’s in the Herreshoff Marine Museum Sailing School, and saw our balance at the end of 2017 rise $400 to $4,700. A detailed balance sheet is available upon request. Our goal of having a balance to cover 8 years of operating expenses has been met. The SSA balance next year is projected to remain close to $4,777, for free hats are being given away with the payment of $25 dues for 2018. Web site visits are lower, with annual page visits of 90,000 in 2014 dipping to 50,000 last year. It is suspected that web site visits and Forum use are simply leveling off. We have a new Forum that incorporates all our history going back 12 years, displays a new format, and has expanded capabilities that include the ability to upload photos directly from one’s computer and/ or mobile device. We also worked with the Herreshoff Sailing School and their donated fleet of 3 SS23’s. The Herreshoff received $350 from the SSA, membership to the SSA, 3 race entry fees, and multiple donations from local members of rigging gear to be sold at their annual dock sale.


Jon Goff, Race Committee Chair, then reviewed the winners of the Amon Award (Wednesday evening race series…Bob Catani), the Sea Spright Regatta (2 race regatta…Jon Enright), and the Nancy Belle Award (best racer on Narragansett Bay…Bob Catani). He then awarded the Denise Award, given annually for leadership contribution to the SSA. Ruth Souto, BYC Commodore and avid SS23 racer, accepted the award on behalf of Bristol YC for their past and continuing support of the R.I. Fleet.

Ruth, BYC Commodore, accepts Denise Award on behalf of Bristol YC

Ruth, BYC Commodore, accepts Denise Award on behalf of Bristol YC

Herb Browne gave the Browne Award for exceptional sportsmanship demonstrated on the water to Bob Catani.

Bob C. holds his award of the Browne Award

Bob C. holds his award of the Browne Award

Then Herb led off the end of the meeting with reminiscences of Harold Tucker, a local Narragansett Bay, sailor who passed away last month at the age of 91. I suspect Harold was chuckling along with us.

Herb recalls Harold Tucker

Herb recalls Harold Tucker

Everybody, have a wonderful sailing season!!!