New Bristol Racing Fleet Leadership

Hi, All:

Get the covers off soon! The summer 2020 racing season is just around the corner. It will be a good one.

I am passing the SS23 Bristol Racing Fleet Commodore position to Dom Messerli. Dom has moored his SS23 at the top of Bristol Harbor for several years, and is an avid sailor/racer. He crewed for Bob Rude on Bob’s J-30 in the Wednesday evening series for several years, and raced in our SS23 weekend events. He also coordinates the unique “Fastest Time Around Hog Island” ongoing event (and is the current leader!).

Dom is incredibly enthusiastic about the upcoming racing season. He plans to contact SS23 owners in the Bristol area soon to talk about plans for the summer. He welcomes your input, and can be reached at

See you soon.


Building A Wooden Spinnaker Pole

Greg Raleigh from Wisconsin has constructed a hollow, classic, and beautiful wooden spinnaker pole for his SS23. The details of the pole and the story of its construction is listed on this website under “Technical”.

Here is the link to the article:

Here are some pictures to whet your appetite:




The Fleet Log Returns!!!

The old Fleet Log was a favorite with owners using the previous website. They enjoyed sharing and participating in the Sea Sprite community with information about themselves and their boat. The Log has languished these past few years, with only old information available, and without the capability to do updates or add new boats. The capability to write extensive histories using our “Histories” section rather than submitting thumbnail sketches in a “Fleet Log” never caught on.

So, after some software tweaking, the Fleet Log Is Back in its original format with a quick and easy way to generate an entry or to update an old entry. One simply copies the data form in the “Fleet Log” page listed on the top menu on the Home page of the website, pastes the form into an email, fills out the form, attaches a picture (if desired), and sends the email to our new Fleet Log coordinator Greg Raleigh. Greg then will insert the information into the Fleet Log. Greg sails SS23 #526 out of Grafton, Wisconsin, and has generously offered to administer the Fleet Log.

I know sea sprite sailors enjoyed the simplicity of the old Fleet Log, and the feeling of belonging to our community of sailors in the sharing of histories and stories. So here we go…share away!! I look forward to reading your stories.