
Yes, it is Spring. And you know what that means…dues!

The Sea Sprite Association is in excellent financial condition. Please take a look at the post on the home page just below this one reporting on the financial State Of The Ship.

We are in good financial shape because of the support we all have from loyal sea sprite owners across the country. We are meeting our expenses every year. Dues have remained the same since 2012 at $25. They remain at $25 for 2020.

Here is a link to our “To Join/Renew” on the website:


If you can, please use PayPal to remit your dues. It makes my life easier.

Stay well. Carter


We will not host the annual April Dinner this year due to the coronary virus threat. I suspect that in another 6 weeks Rhode Island will have many more cases of the disease. I also suspect that few of us want to risk possible exposure to the virus at a non-essential (although incredibly fun) dinner.

HOWEVER…I can still give you an overview of the 2020 Sea Sprite Association performance. The BOD met February 11. We reviewed the financial balance sheet for the year, the events we held, and assorted other issues. Here is a summary of our discussion.


We have about 8 years of operating reserves, meeting our goal. Our bank alance grew $80 to $4577. Racing events supported themselves. Donations were to Herreshoff Sailing School of $350 to maintain their sailing school fleet of SS23’s and of $95 for HMM membership and race entry fees. The SSA supported the April dinner with $127. There were no hats or other gifts with dues payments. Admin expenses were constant at $177. We absorbed a 3 year charges for internet service of $502 (hosting and backup). 

2. Organization

Paid membership (new and rejoining) for 2019 increased to 55 up from 45 for 2018. Website visits basically held steady for past 3 years (45,000 decreased to 39,000). New Forum host Tapatalk is excellent. Forum is now capable of embedding pictures even from a smart phone.

Dom Messerli will be the new Bristol Racing Fleet Commodore. He is incredibly excited about the coming season, and will be contacting potential racers soon to discuss the summer racing plans.

Thanks to Greg Raleigh for coordinating our resurrected Fleet Log.

Our organizational goals remain the same…to increase Sea Sprite sailing participation by promoting fellowship and family, by encouraging pride and responsibility in ownership of the vessels, and by helping with boat maintenance and technical issues.

The BOD will remain at six with current members.

3. Donations

See #1. In addition, HMM Sailing School instructors sailed 2 boats in the mid-summer Sea Sprite Regatta for free. Carter rehabbed SS23 Pod during the winter. 

4. Recommendations

Donations to HMM will remain at $350. Carter will rehab Grayling. We will continue free HMM membership and racing fees. We will continue overrun support for annual meeting.

Yearly dues will remain at $25.

The Browne Award for sportsmanship is awarded to Andrew MacKeith. The Denise Award for contribution to the SSA is awarded to Jon Goff.

The Nancy Belle Award for best sailor on the Bay is won by Carter.

Pennant purchase directly from Bag Lady may be possible with no upfront investment and no SSA involvement in the ordering process. If direct ordering is in fact available, its availability will be announced and the process will be posted on the website and listed under the menu item “Store”.

And here’s to you, our membership. In mid-April, sit back with your favorite beverage, cook up a fine Italian meal (Leo’s was to again cater Italian), toast to your sailing friends, and dream of a wonderful sailing season for 2020!!