Looking For A Few Good Souls

So, doing anything this winter? Covid blues got you down? Too much free time on your hands?

Here is a suggestion. Kirk Cusik at Herreshoff needs some help with maintenance projects on the 3 donated SS23’s they use in the sailing school. As you may recall, Carter spent each of the last 3 winters rehabbing their 3 sea sprites. They are heavily utilized in the school, and need a yearly spritz. Take a look at the next post below this one to see the work done on Grayling last year.

We have a great relationship with Kirk and the Herreshoff Marine Museum. The school instructors have raced 1 to 3 boats in the yearly Sea Sprite Regatta, and we have donated much volunteer time working on their SS23’s as well as a yearly gift of $350.

If you have some spare time this winter and would like to do some varnishing and other boat work on our beloved SS23’s,  please call Kirk at 401-353-0912.

Grayling Rehab

For the past several years, the SSA has supported the sailing school at the Herreshoff Marine Museum in Bristol, RI, with donations of time, money, and parts. We have for the past 4 years donated $350 to the school. Members have donated 4 SS23’s as well as sails, blocks, roller furling, and other parts. HMM is an permanent honorary member of the SSA, and their instructor staff has been encourage to race their boats in our fleet races for free.

Last Fall, Zack and Kerry King donated Grayling to HMM. She had been raced by the Kings some years back and is in good shape. She needed some upgrades and repairs. Here is the rehabber-in-chief (Carter) describing the winter:

I took down all the paint inside and outside (not the hull), painted 2 coats of base coat and one coat of white finish inside, bilge, cockpit, cabin trunk, and deck. Same with deck nonskid, but I used a premixed nonskid gray finish 2 coats. I took down all the varnish and recoated with 2 coats of cetol and one clear coat. I took out of the boat and cleaned and repaired the floorboards and the seats, and coated them with 2 coats of sealer. I stripped and varnished the doors. I rebuilt the seat and floorboard supports.
I did this indoors at Herreshoff. Here are some pictures of the finished product!!


Beautiful doors. The teak seats and floorboards look good sealed.

We were squeezed into Building 28 with some old Herreshoff wooden boats

Kirk graciously let her be borrowed for the Sea Sprite Regatta on July 25. Carter skippered with crew Jim Goff (John’s father) and Lee Hayes (Matt Hayes’ father). They called themselves the HOGS (Herreshoff Old Guys).They sailed to two third place finishes which earned them an overall second. She still has it!!

And here is the best picture of all. The summer sailing camp this year has been gangbusters. Grayling has been used every day this summer for teaching kids how to sail.  Here she is at the mooring last week.

Pretty neat. Six kids putting her away after an afternoon of sailing.

Catani Wins 2020 Sea Sprite Regatta

Bob Catani, sailing his beloved Bramasole, was unbeatable in the 2020 Sea Sprite Regatta held at Bristol YC on July 25th of this year. The day was gorgeous, the wind brisk, and the camaraderie very special.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Bob Rude snapped some great photos. Here are just a few.

Bob Catani 0n Bramasole Heads Upwind

Racing was close. In the first race, Vexatious gave Bramasole a run for her money. And Mark Rotsky in Apsaras tangled with Bramasole in the second race, to no avail. Ah, well, there is always next year.

Final Standings
Dom (on cabin trunk) Directing His Crew on New Hope
Lou (up from Baltimore) And Daughter Emilia (up from URI) Racing Pod
Carter and the Herreshoff Old Guys (HOGS) Average Age 74 Sailing Grayling
Joe And The Bristol Yacht Club Race Committee
The Start
Off The Line

Bob Hamel and Camille on Lulabelle

Andrew and Shawen on Vexatious
Mark and Kathy Sailing Apsaras
Post Race Pizza

And that’s it! See you next year!!!