2021 DUES

The SSA BOD met 2 weeks go, and voted to continue dues at $25/year for 2021. You can see the minutes of the meeting in the next post. I expect with a return to normal activities our revenue should equal our expenditures for 2021.

Please pay your dues this year via Paypal. It is easy and saves you the cost of a stamp and the time in sending a check. It is easy for me and is automatic record keeping. Unless you already have a paypal account, pay as a one-time guest with your credit card at the bottom of the page.

Here is the link to the SSA Paypal page:  

Many thanks for your support.

Board of Directors Meeting 2021

The Board of Directors of the Sea Sprite Association met on February 18, 2021 to review the organizational financial statement for 2020, the 2020 events and achievement, and to plan for 2021. The minutes of the meeting are as follows. Please address any concerns to Carter Hall, Commodore, SSA, at seaspriteassociation@gmail.com.


February 18, 2021 via Zoom

Meeting was called to order via Zoom at 5:00 pm. In attendance were Hall, Radeka, Sollitto, Goff. Absent were Catani, Menillo.

Old Business

1. SSA 2020 Financial Balance Sheet

Balance in account $5355.11. Account grew by $778 in spite of continued support of HMM of $375. The cost overrun for racing was only about $72 and there was no money spent covering the Annual Dinner or Hog Cookout. We now have roughly 10 years of operating expense. There were no abnormal operating expenses. 

2. Organization

Membership steady at 53. Forum use light but continues slow growth. Web visits continue slow decline (see table). Tapatalk forum great format and easy to use. 

Covid limited activities. Dom (new Racing Fleet Captain) ran a great racing season with 7 boats registered. Drinks at his condo on the water afterwards great hit. No April dinner. SSR fun, 7 boats, pizza on porch. Hog also fun but no gathering at Lou’s.

3. Herreshoff

Carter rehabbed Grayling before covid shut HMM down. 20 hours a week for 3 months. No instructors in SSR, but Lou and Carter borrowed HMM SS23’s to race. $350 donated to upkeep SS23’s and free membership. 

New Business

1. Mission Statement Review.

Our mission is…”to increase sea sprite sailing participation by promoting fellowship and family, by encouraging pride and responsibility in ownership of the vessels, and by helping with technical and maintenance issues”. Nothing to add.

2. Activities for 2021.

Covid continues to impact gathering plans. The annual meeting and dinner is postponed until September. If we can gather in compliance with Covid guidelines, we will do so. Wednesday night racing will continue. Date for the mid-summer Sea Sprite Regatta is July 24th. Gatherings around racing will depend upon meeting Covid guidelines.

3. Dues.

Possible structures were considered (new members payment only, etc.). We will continue asking that members continue yearly dues payments at $25. 

4. Class emblem.

Discussion held regarding class emblem and its source. Circled SS  was original SS23 class design. With his new Luder designed group of SS28’s, 30’s, and 34’s, he developed a new logo for the new class he built, the Twin Sails With Following Seas. It was decided to continue using the Circled SS logo for the SS23 class, and the TSWFS for the SS-28’s, 30’s, and 34’s.

5. SSA reorganization.

Paul Sollitto will review our current organization bylaws with plans to consider term limits for board members, how board members and officers are chosen (consider forming a nominating committee), size of board (currently 6 plus the Coordinator), adding a treasurer as class officer, etc. Such changes will allow the SSA to go forward with stability, participation, and periodic infusion of new enthusiasm. The BOD will review bylaw changes and present changes to the SSA membership at the annual meeting in September for approval.

6. BOD new member

It was voted to include Bob Rude as an interim BOD member. He is currently an owner and racer of a SS23 in Bristol. Previously he campaigned an ensign and spent 2 year stints as treasure, vice-, and commodore of the national ensign organization. He will provide much helpful organizational insights for the SSA.

7. Pennant

Pennant approved with simple triangle design with SS in a circle logo. Dejan has been in contact with a provider willing to take orders directly. He will contact her to see if she still can provide the product (perhaps offering both logos), obtain an order sheet design from her, and send the resulting form and plan to Carter. He will list the pennant as an offering in the Ship’s Store on the website and will post the news on the website home page.

8. Awards

Dom Messerli was voted the recipient of the Denise Award given for contribution to the SSA organization. Dom took over as Racing Fleet Commodore in Bristol and did a magnificent job holding the fleet together in tough times. The fleet raced every Wednesday evening and became close. Dom hosted post race gatherings at his waterfront condo.

Bob Rude was awarded the Browne Award for exceptional sportsmanship on the race course. He was, as always, generous in spirit, courteous, and gracious on the course. In addition, unable to race for a large part of the season, he loaded his SS23 Apsaras to Mark and Kathy Rotsky who kept the fleet on their toes.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                            

Carter Hall


An email from info7@seaspriteassociation arrived today (2/6/2020) asking to support a GoFundMe page for Support Bryan Recovery with a supporting story. Whole thing is convincing. However, I did not send it out. It appears to be a scam. Someone got into the SSA email list.

Do not support this scam.