2021 Sea Sprite One-Design Regatta
The Bristol Yacht Club hosted the 2021 Sea Sprite Regatta on July 24. Race Committee Chair Joe Jablonowski and PRO Roger Carney with support from volunteer Bruce Nourie set inflatable marks for windward-leeward courses. Two races were held with perennial hotshot Bob Catani winning both races with a total score of 1.5 points. Second place went to BYC member Bob Rude and third place went to Sea Sprite Commodore and soon-to-be BYC member Dom Messerli.

It was a beautiful Narragansett sailing day with the first race started in light air and then building into a perfect 12 knot southwesterly. The racing was close with the highlight being Dom Messerli’s New Hope beating Bob Rude’s Apsaras across the finish line by less than a foot after dueling throughout the downwind leg.

The finishers in order with their BYC affiliation marked as follows:
1 – Bob Catani – Bramasole – BYC
2 – Bob Rude – Apsaras – BYC
3 – Dom Messerli – New Hope – BYC
4 – Mark Rotsky – Oasis – BYC
5 – Ray Renaud – Fur Elise – BYC
6 – Jerry De Rham – Swallow – Unaffiliated
7 – Andrew MacKeith – Vexatious – BYC
7 – Evan Ide – Phox – American Yacht Club
9 – Joe Picard – Destiny – Team Destiny
DNF – Bella Infante – Grayling – Herreshoff Sailing Club

After the regatta, a pizza party and awards dinner for sailors, crew, and their families was held by the beautiful fire pit on the grounds of the BYC. Innumerable episodes from the race course were shared and lessons learned from the day were bandied about. A shout-out for organizing another great Sea Sprite Regatta goes to Bristol YC for hosting, the race officers Joe and Roger for officiating, Bruce for helping set the courses, and our own Fleet Commodore Dom and able assistant Bob Rude for organizing and coordinating.

The next big regatta for Sea Sprite sailors will be the September 11 Race Around Hog Island, always a low-key fun event. Buy a Sea Sprite and join the fun! As one visiting yachtsman said, “You can’t sail across Bristol Harbor without bumping into one of those beautiful little Sea Sprites!”