Narragenset Bay 2022 SS23 Racing

From our RaceChair Dom Messerli:

Hello SeaSprite enthusiasts!

Great news, the sailing season is upon us and your SeaSprites and your crews can’t wait to go sailing, especially some sailing fun with your SeaSprite comrades! 🙂

This year we have the following in store:

Wednesday Night BYC-Millard Series Racing:May 18th Skippers meetingMay 18th, sign up deadline before late fee kicks in

May 25th, practice race

June 1st, First race

August 31st, Last race

September 7th, Make-up race

The spectacular, super fun Sea Sprite regatta will be:Saturday July 23rd, 1pm

SeaSprite Race Around Hog Island:Saturday, September 10th, 1pm

Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful Sea Sprites out there on the water, wave when you see one! 🙂

Happy sailing,Dom

Annual Meeting Held May 7th

A contingent of hardy souls braved a cold and blustery Spring day to meet at Bristol Yacht Club Saturday, May 7th, to enjoy one another’s company, to review the SSA performance of 2021, and to brainstorm for the  coming season and beyond. 

Here are the minutes from the meeting:

Minutes Of 2022 SSA Annual Meeting

Date: May 7, 2022

Location: Bristol YC, Bristol, RI

In Attendance: Stuart and Beth Cutler drove up from Deep River, Connecticut, and Ian Cozzens and his crew Joe came over from Edgewood YC. From Bristol were Bob Catani and his crew Adam, Evan Ide, Dom Messerli, and Carter Hall. Trish Sellon, director at East Bay Sailing Foundation, also attended.

Meeting was opened at 3:45 pm

State Of The Organization….Where We Are Now

The SSA is well-defined with clear organizational structure. We are formally recognized as a non-profit organization by the state of RI and by the federal government. We have simple but effective by-laws governing the organization. Our leadership group currently consists of a Board Of Directors, a commodore, a racing chair, a webmaster, a historian, and a forum guru.We have an active website promoting communication with postings, a forum, technical support, and classifieds.

The membership is supportive and widespread. Over the past 10 years, 252 sailors have paid dues for at least one year. That number includes about 50 owners of SS28/30/34’s. We are spread out across the US in 30 states, Canada, Alaska, and even England (RI has 63 registered members, Mass 44, Maine 23, and Conn 17. States having one boat include Col, Okla,Ala, Del, Ill, Ind. There are 5 boats in Canada and one boat in England). 

The website is active and vigorously used. Site visits have been averaging 100 visits per day for several years, down from around 160 in the early years. Total visits since its inception are (holy smokers) 434,000!!. The Forum is active, with archives dating back 25 years. Racing remains very active, with a one-design fleet in Bristol and PHRF participation in many local yacht clubs around the country.

We have $6,000 in the bank, a number reaching our goal of covering admin costs for 8 years.

2021 Financial Summary

Annual dues have been held at $25 for the past 12 years. At the end of 2021 we had $6,182.45 in our bank account. Expenses for the year included a donation to Herreshoff of $300, admin costs of $130 (yearly internet access costs of $140 paid every 3 years  comes due next year), racing net costs were about $120. No costs incurred by annual meeting and dinner because there was none due to covid. Income was derived solely from dues paid by 55 members totaling $1,375.

BOD Election

Our By-laws direct an annual election of BOD members for a one year term by a majority of active SSA members present at the Annual Meeting. RI requires non-profits to have no less than 3 BOD members. Our By-laws require no more than 6 members. Paul Sollito and Dana Mennillo have retired from the Board. Bob Catani, Jon Goff, Dejan Radeka, and Carter Hall wished to remain on the board, and Bob Rude along with Evan Ide were new candidates. The resignations from Paul and Dana are accepted with many thanks for their years of service on the Board. The 6 candidates were unanimously elected for a one year term.


The following annual awards were given for 2021;

Amon (Winner of BYC Wednesday evening races)………………..Bob Catani

Nancy Belle (Best racer on Narragansett Bay)………………………Bob Catani

Browne Bowl (Sportsmanship on the SS23 race course)………..Evan Ide

Denise Trophy (Contribution to the SSA)……………………………….Bob Rude


The organizational, leadership, and administration structures in place are sound. The by-laws need no update at this time. To continue organizational structural development, we will be adding administrative positions of Treasurer and Secretary.

Gear sale (hats, shirts, pennants) was embraced. Current methods (Amazon, TeamOne Newport, simple contracts directly) were discussed. Need to carefully define income sources for non-profits an issue to be investigated.

Dom reviewed racing plans for 2022 and how to encourage participation, particularly in ‘Round The Hog.

Carter reviewed the history of larger sea sprites (SS28/30/34) in the SSA dominated by owners of SS23’s. In the later years of SS construction by Ryder, all four boats were being constructed side by side at his boatyard in Bristol. Although coming from different designers, the boats look the same, and their construction use similar techniques. All the boats have been welcomed members in the various iterations of the SSA through the years. On the new BD there are four SS23 and two SS30 owners.

Stuart began a lively discussion about rendezvous’s and how to create them. Ideas about harbors and destinations, shore activities, and how to promote and coordinate participation, were entertained. To be continued.

Meeting was closed at 6:00 pm

Many thanks to those in attendance. More to come regarding the newly created positions of Secretary and Treasurer.

Have a wonderful, fun-filled summer out on the water sailing our lovely craft!!!

2022 SSA Annual Meeting Saturday, May 7

The Sea Sprite Association Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 7, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Bristol Yacht Club in Bristol, RI. Pizza will be provided by the SSA , and drinks will be available for purchase from the bar. The agenda will include a review of 2021 financials and happenings, the election of the Board Of Directors for a one year term, awards, and time for ideas and input from the floor. Please remember that per the SSA bylaws, voting is restricted to those ” members in good standing” (i.e., those who have paid current dues). 

Please email Carter at if you will be attending, and indicate the number in your party.

Hope you can make it! The day has always been a fun time to catch up with old friends, to meet new fellow Sea Spriters, and to make plans for a wonderful sailing season. 

See you soon.