Category Archives: CRUISING STORIES

Dawson Don’t Move

I cast off Dutch Wharf Marina on the Branford River noon Wednesday. With a Northwest wind I was looking forward to a one-tack sail to Port Jefferson on the western coast of Long Island Sound. With winds gusting to fifteen knots Brisa cleared Branford cove on a thirty-degree heel Continue reading

Ripped Main


Never sail to a schedule. Tides, weather and most of all safety dictate when you get there.


Our goal was to sail over to Mattituck, Long Island, spend the night and in the morning head for National Long Island Golf Course where we had a one o’clock tee time. The plan was good except my friend Sharon was unable to get off work before one o’clock in the afternoon on Friday. This meant we needed all the elements to work in our favor to make Strong’s Water Club and Marina at the head of Mattituck inlet; 18.9nm. The inlet is a narrow, shallow channel I feared navigating at night, especially given it was to be my first visit there. Continue reading